Alien Species

Maggots are a bicephalic non-sapient demonic species.


Maggots are bone-white in color and roughly humanoid in shape, although their bodies have a hunched back with two red, tumor-like growths sporting white barbs, meaning that they mostly crawl on all fives, although they are capable of walking on their hind legs. Maggots have two heads, oriented in a manner most suited for a crawling being, both with red, skeletal humanoid faces pale orange eyes, and long red tongues perpetually hanging out. Both heads protrude from a branching neck-like structure, never looking directly forward, with a spine-like protrusion separating their necks and running down their backs, also separating their tumorous growths. Maggots have three arms, two in a normal position for humanoids, and a third below their "normal" right arm. Their left arm bears a humanoid hand with long fingers, their right arm bears a crab-like claw, and their third arm has a stump in place of a manipulatory appendage.


Maggots arose in Hell, as non-sapient lifeforms lacking any sort of ability to channel Hell energy. It is unknown if any were used in Hell's early wars against The Father or the Argenta. In the 22nd Century, Maggots were summoned to Mars by a Human cultist named Malcom Betruger, where they ran rampant through the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC) Mars complex alongside other demons, killing most of the station's personnel. One survivor, a nameless marine, later went through the ruined complex to stop the invasion, coming across a man whose torso was eviscerated by Maggots. However, the man appeared to still be alive, or possibly possessed, as he started screaming when the marine approached, alerting several Maggots to his presence. The marine killed all the Maggots in the area, continuing to kill them across the complex, eventually eradicating them, although some were later found in Hell. No Maggots were seen by Humans again, and if any continued to exist outside of Hell, they were destroyed with the death of the Dark Lord Davoth.


  • Doom 3 (2004)