Lester is a failed alien human hybrid.
He was born and lived in the woods of Alaska in a small town. His mother died in childbirth and after that her father took care of the two hybrids . He had a twin brother, Larry and when they were young they were scaring the villagers. Due to this behavior they were banished from the village and they lived in a small shack in the woods. When they were 17 Larry and Lester were visited by tourists who took pictures of them for their appearance. Larry lost control and killed the people. His brother later was killed by the sheriff and Lester mummificated him and built a tomb for him but archeologists found the mummy and later Lester took the mummy with him. He also found and rescued a small girl who injured her leg while climbing a tree. Sam Crawford found him in the middle of the night while hiding from the locals. Lester took Sam with him in his shack. There he revealed Sam that he believed by mummifying his dead brother, he could revive him. The conversation was interrupted by the locals who knew who Lester was and learned that he took the little girl with him. The girl went outside and found her mother but not before she could say thank you to Lester for taking care of her. Sam went outside too and found his brother, Owen Crawford, The villagers burned the shack, but Sam ran inside to get Lester to safety. When he went in Lester was standing above his dead brother's body. Sam tried to grab him but he accidently pulled off his hood and thus Sam saw Lester's eye and he started screaming because he saw all his fears and even his death that was about to occur. Both Sam and Lester burned inside the small shack.
Years later Dr. Chet Wakerman revealed to Owen Crawford that a tissue of Lester's brain was researched on which revealed that both the aliens and the hybrids had something naturally that the humans were missing the aliens tried to put in them via implants.
- Taken, miniseries (2002)