Alien Species
Lanfuest (God)

Lanfeust is a new Darshanide God that was born from the heroic deeds and beliefs of the Darshan people centered on a real hero, Lanfeust of Glinn.


After Lanfeust of Glinn had saved the world from Thanos and defeated Swoog, tales of his deeds spread throughout Darshan. In the ten years that Lanfeust, Cixi, Hebus, and Thanos were abducted into space by the Merchant Princes, these beliefs eventually coalesced into a new powerful god.

Lanfeust having returned Darshan to stop an infestation of Banshee-Lylths from reaching the shores of Darshan learned of his elevation from the locals. When the swarms of creatures threatened to devour everything, the Darshan people directed the hero to the Temple of Indomitable Bravery and Savior of the World. Using it as a focal point Lanfeust used the temple combined with the belief of the people to eradicate the Banshee-Lylths. It worked and he saved Darshan, however his actions attracted the 'Lanfeust' entity, who called him an impostor. He was taken into custody to stand trial for his 'theft' much to the shock of the locals who could not believe that this Lanfeust that save them was a fake and that their being of faith was this cheap imitation.


  • Lanfeust Odyssey #8 - Tseu-Hi The Guardian (2016)
  • Lanfeust Odyssey #9 - The Ingenious Strategist (2017)