Alien Species

The Lacertians or snakeheads by humans on Pangaea are a saurian species.


The Lacertians are a reptilian race. They had the body shape of a man and were bipedal. Their heads were clearly reptilian, with leathery skin that was covered in small iridescent silver grey scales that changes to bled with their surroundings. Hand and feet were equipped with talons at their extremities. They were quite lizard-like, with heads that slightly flattened and tapered to a sharp snout with a large mouth and wide-set eyes with vertical pupils. While their ears were small ridges near the base of their skull. They dieted on a mix of meat and vegetables. The creatures were fats, strong and could regrow body parts. Lacertians were good at hiding, and could sneak up on prey without being discovered and even stand still for hours.

With the ability to blend into the background that made them difficult to see, their speed and phenomenal ability to cling to vertical surfaces it gave the Lacertians an advantage where their presence was unsuspected.


Around the year 2260, the Lacertians were a newly discovered species by humanity. Several members of this species were captured by the Interplanetary Consortium—an unscrupulous cabal of cutthroat humans that was driven by power, exploitation and greed. The aliens were brought to the planet Pangaea, and secreted away on the island of New Caledonia where the humans made them into slaves and conducted unethical experiments, which included maiming and mutilating their specimens to study their regenerative abilities. A few Lacertians managed to escape captivity, and were hunted by guards for sport, though many found the situation turned around by the lethality of the saurians.

Word of their presence was informed to a fleet of the World Trade Organization by the Siddhiche which was commanded by Captain James O'Niall Heron of the North European Confederacy to investigate the illegal operations of the Consortium. Said investigation soon turned into a full blown space battle between the two opposing factions. In the commotion, traitors within the fleet, kidnapped Captain Heron's time displace ancestor Harry Heron and two of his comrades, spiriting them to New Caledonia to continue their sadistic experiments. Using a serum containing spliced Lacertian genes, the rogue scientists wanted to see the effects of regeneration in an ancient human to see if it would promote self healing. The experiment did not provide the expected results, instead the serum granted Harry and his comrades mental control over digital systems even outmaneuvering the AI system of the underground lab. Using their abilities they sabotaged the water and food dispensers, poisoning their captors, and ordered their cells to release them.

Those that were freed were also the Lacertians who fell upon their tormentors. After incapacitating most of the staff, the saurians joined Harry's group in sailing back to civilization to report the crimes to the authorities and Captain Heron.


The Lacertians are an intelligent species and one that holds honor to be paramount. Those that save them deserve their respect and loyalty. Despite humanity treating them as beasts and giving them no civilized rights, Lacertians were not a primitive people, as they had a society of their own with a developed social order.


  • Harry Heron: Into the Unknown by Patrick G. Cox (2016)
  • Out of Time by Patrick G. Cox (2011)