Krangazoid is an unofficial designation given to an unnamed reptilian species hailing from Dimension X, more specifically, a group of clones of Krang. The notorious warlord Krang originally belonged to this species, but lost his body in an undisclosed incident that turned him into a brain-like creature with a face and short tendrils.
The name "Krangazoids" was made up by the Ninja Turtles after Krang's six clones unexpectedly grew to resemble Krang's original form, despite having been created as disembodied brains like him. Donatello likened this phenomenon to how certain lizards are able to regenerate their tails, but since Krang himself has obviously never regrown his lost body, it appears to be an unforeseen consequence of the cloning process, as opposed to a natural ability of the species.
Krangazoids are tall reptilian bipeds with a long crocodilian tail, a row of dorsal spines, tridactyl hands, clawed feet, and fangs. Their facial features are reminiscent of Krang's, including short tendrils on their chins.
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, s07e12, "Invasion of the Krangazoids" (1993)
- This species is unique to the 1987 cartoon series. In other iterations of the TMNT franchise, Krang is depicted as a member of the Utrom species.
- Even within the 1987 series, the fact that Krang used to be a reptilian creature is somewhat contradicted by a flashback depicted in the episode "Four Musketurtles", which shows other members of Krang's species as disembodied brain-like creatures, looking just like him.