Alien Species
Klaxus Plant

The Klaxus Plant was a species of vegetation native to an unknown world.


The Klaxus Plant is a plant that is impossible to keep from growing. It needs very little water or sunlight and grows at an insane rate. It was discovered to be poisonous to Viltrumites. And while it cannot outright kill a Viltrumite, it can weaken them to the point that a fight would be evenly matched. When the Vitrumite Empire discovered this plant, they infested the planet where it grew with Sinlak Beetles so that the insects would devour the plants faster than they can grow.

Omni-Man having joined the Coalition of Planets, provided extracts of the Klaxus Plant from the beetles, which was then weaponized into armaments for the Coalition.


  • Invincible Issue 067 (2009)
  • Invincible Issue 071 (2010)