Alien Species

The Kiseibya are a sapient predatory species, genetically-engineered by Human scientist Prof. Toshio Shimura on the planet Bliss. In their adult stage, they feed on metal, and were created to hunt down and destroy Daleks.

The Kiseibya were created by combining genes from Piranha Locusts and silkworms fed on the metallic sap of the Ironweed plants.


The Kiseibya are a sapient, voracious species which are strong enough to kill Daleks and feed on their metal casings. In their larval stage, they feed on flesh.

After feeding on the Dalek's casing, a Kiseibya will keep the organic Dalek alive and lay eggs inside its body, although they can also do the same with other organic species, including Humans. The larvae develop as endoparasitoids and kill their host when they emerge. From this point on, they develop into their winged stage which resemble Piranha Locusts, only five times larger than normal. Like regular Piranha Locusts, the young Kiseibya form swarms and feed on large quantities of flesh from any source available before they form a cocoon and metamorphosize into their adult stage. Unlike the larval stage, the adults feed exclusively on metal. Each adult can lay over a dozen eggs at a time.

According to both the Doctor and the Black Dalek, the creation of the Kiseibya posed a threat to all life everywhere. If allowed to spread to other worlds, they would feed not only on Daleks but on everything else they could. Considering this risk, the two enemies agreed to destroy the research facility and eradicate the Kiseibya before that could happen.


  • Big Finish Doctor Who audio stories, Enemy of the Daleks (2009)