The Kinda (KEEN-da) are a superficially primitive race of telepathic humanoids who inhabit the paradisiac forests of the planet Deva Loka.
Kinda look physically indistinguishable from Humans, but differ from them in some aspects, the most notable one being that all males and the vast majority of the females are completely mute, and communicate solely by telepathy. Only a few females are capable of speaking, and these seem to hold special positions in their society.
Kinda have seven fathers, but it's not known if this is for biological reasons (i.e. needing that number to fertilize a female's egg) or purely cultural ones.
As telepaths, the Kinda's minds are all linked, which prevents the Mara from crossing over from its dream-realm through them. However, once the Mara does become able to manifest itself in the physical world, individual Kinda are no less susceptible to becoming possessed by it.
Culture and society[]
At first glance, the Kinda appear to be a primitive race, but their necklaces in the shape of a DNA double helix provide the first clue of their sophisticated understanding of biology.
They are led by a female sage who is capable of speech, while the rest of the species are all restricted to telepathy. Female speakers are rare, while male speakers are unheard off, although a prophecy states that one will emerge someday as a great leader that the others must obey.
They create glass-like wind chimes in the forest and refer to other species as the "Not We".
- Doctor Who, season 19, "Kinda" (1982)