Alien Species

The Kimonyans are a sapient species that inhabits the country of Kimonya, on the planet Parakon.


Kimonyans are small childlike humanoids with smooth skin and large eyes. Their diet is omnivorous, including sap-wine and meat.

Culture and society[]

Kimonyans are a friendly species which live in huts and dress themselves in soft leather tunics. The architecture of their villages is based on curves, with no straight lines to see, and has been described as beautiful. They ride on giant bat-like steeds, and are known to keep small creatures as pets.

Kimonyans are led by an elderly male known as the "father of the tribe". Other than this, there isn't much of a hierarchy among them, and the children seem to be raised communally.

The Kimonyans consider the Gargan to be a sacred animal, the killing of which is strictly taboo.


  • The Paradise of Death, by Barry Letts (1993)