Alien Species

Kill-a-moths are lepidopteran creatures native to Amphibia, they’re habitually found in forests near Wartwood Swamp and start out as Kill-a-pillars, being a caterpillar-like juvenile stage.


While as Kill-a-pillars, they’re a curious type of caterpillar which resemble cat-like hexapods. According to Hop Pop Plantar, usually near the end of their larval stage; a Kill-a-pillar is blessed with white striped spots across its back just before they wrap themselves in a cocoon, where they'll immediately hatch from within minutes.

Following their metamorphosis, Kill-a-moths are a bizarre feline butterfly hybrid that possess large wings, reddish compound eyes, pale-yellow teeth and a slimy tentacle-like tongue lined with spikes and have slightly longer pawed limbs.

Kill-a-moths have a rather mesmerizing behavior with things such as a toy mouse that can make them go all quite irresistible. Despite both their hostile appearance and nature, they’re compatible towards being tamed and might even allow others to ride with them.

