Alien Species

Kerwanians are an unnamed humanoid species from planet Kerwan of the Solana galaxy, though they may not be native to that planet.


Kerwanians are Human-like humanoids, although they have large chins, three fingers on each hand, and exaggerated upper body proportions. They possess super strength, enough to lift 10 tons with one arm, are capable of flight, can survive in space without any protective equipment, and can hold their breath for incredibly long periods of time.

Notable Members[]

The only known members of this species are Captain Copernicus Leslie Qwark, and his unnamed parents (who we'll call "Mr. and Mrs. Qwark"). Ace Hardlight has some anatomical features associated with this species, such as tridactyl hands, but unlike others, he has a visible nose.



  • The name Kerwanian is never said in the games themselves but rather is derived from their primary planet of habitation, Kerwan.