Kerchu were beaver-like mammalian sapient species from planet Jasindu in the Praxus Sector of Polaris Galaxy.
Culture and society[]
Kerchu were largley viewed as the 2nd most il-tempered and foul sapient species within the Polaris Galaxy, with only the Cragmites exceeding them in this regard. Whereas Cragmites were hostile in regards to their galactic campaign of galactic domination and genocide, the Kerchu were mostly territorial in nature.
Ratchet's Dimension[]
Following rise of the Tachyon's Empire, Tacyhon and his Drophyd minions of the Imperial Army proceed to subjugate or exterminate any sapient species that stood in his way. One such race he was unable to squash was the Kerchu, as the territory known as Kerchu Domain was able to resist his armies, notably the Kerchu homeworld of Jasindu. Jasindu would also be the hiding place for "Lombax Secret", known as Dimensionator, which had been given to the Kerchu by Markazian explorer Max Apogee. The Kerchu hid this Lombax weapon within the Kerchu Fortress, protected by army Kerchu warriors and giant Kerchu Mechwrecker to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. Additionally, the Kerchu had colonized planet Sargasso in Verdegris Sector, one of few worlds rich in Gelontonium not under Imperial control, which remained hidden from Imperial Army for many years until it was discovered by Imperial task force.
Rivet's Dimension[]
In Rivet's Dimension, the Kerchu were enslaved by the robotic Nefarious Empire. The conquered Kerchu colony world of Sargasso would be a major source of Gelotonium for the Nefarious Empire. Eventually, the Kerchu would earn the ire of Emperor Nefarious after they misspelled his name of their tax forms, resulting in Kerchu being exterminated, and their colony of Sargasso being transferred to enslaved Mort species, whom would fill in the place of the Kerchu.