Alien Species

The Kennigs are one of three species that inhabit the planet Bojan-Feq.


Kennigs resemble tall anthromorphic canines with golden eyes and spotted pelts like hyenas. Physically they are very fast on their feet, compared to mounted beasts like ol'hornks.


The Kennigs are a medieval society that coexist with two other species on their planet, the Rashurs and Gliebs. Peace between the races and with individuals are regulated through a brutal ritual called the Ordeal. Any dispute that is left resolved be it a simple matter of honor, litigation, claim etc. is to be decided in a duel to the death by the claimants before a judge. Claimants are required to use permitted weapons and can be allowed to enlist others to fight on their behalf. The only rule of the Ordeal that is paramount is that only one must come out alive from the circle.


  • Grendel: Devil's Odyssey Issue 006 (2021)
  • Grendel: Devil's Odyssey Issue 007 (2021)