Alien Species

Karmanians are a species of shapeshifting, possibly energy-based beings, capable of distributing their power to another lifeform upon the end of the first stage of their life cycle.


Karmanians appear to be energy beings, resembling small balls of bright light capable of flying. Despite their energy forms, ordinary matter can affect them, and they can be caught on spiderwebs. They are capable of shapeshifting, able to take the form of adult Humans. Skyla, the only known member of this species, took the form of a female, and was referred to as such, but it is unknown if Karmanians truly have genders. They are able to teleport in bright flashes of light. Their life cycle has at least two stages: a stage where they are in the form of an energy ball, and a higher state, where they take on a form bearing some resemblance to a bird made of energy, at least immediately after metamorphizing. When the first stage of their life cycle comes to an end, Karmanians will become weakened, pulsing some light from their bodies, and seemingly die, passing on energy from their bodies to the nearest lifeform as they ascend to a higher state of being, granting the lifeform great power. This energy is capable of merging with Power Rangers to upgrade them, even forming physical armaments such as Battlizers, and it is said that only certain beings of great character can handle the power, although it is unknown if this is true or not. Karmanians are said to be born, but their exact method of reproduction is unknown. Despite the capability of these powers to form powerful armaments, Karmanians appear unable to use the powers themselves.

Culture and society[]

From birth, Karmanians are taught they will have to one day pass on their energy to another lifeform. They travel across space searching for the right candidate, looking for those who they believed to have been destined to be the right one, such as those who are of the highest character. Once they have found their destined target, they will do whatever they can to be close to that person when the time comes for them to ascend.


At some point in the past, Karmanians were hunted by an alien bounty hunter known as Vexacus, who desired their power for himself and learned about their physiology. One Karmanian, who took on the name of Skyla, was running from Vexacus and fled to Earth, where she became caught in a spiderweb in a forested area. She called out to a young Human boy, named Shane, who was also wandering around the woods. Shane came over to help her, freeing her from the web and allowing her to escape, just before Vexacus attacked him. Since then, Skyla knew that Shane was the one who will inherit her power, and observed him for many years. After Shane became a Power Ranger, Vexacus returned to try to claim Skyla's power, first coming across Shane in the same woods he met Skyla in and attacking him. Vexacus demands to know Skyla's location, but Shane doesn't know what he was talking about. He managed to fight Vexacus off, and was teleported away by Skyla, who introduced herself. However, the two are attacked again by Vexacus, who manages to take Skyla away, but before he can get to his ship, Shane attacks him, forcing him to release Skyla. However, Skyla is unable to escape, as she is being weakened by the current stage in her life cycle coming to an end. She encourages Shane to morph, revealing that she knows his identity as a Power Ranger, and so Shane morphs, using his powers to force Vexacus to retreat. Skyla asks to be taken back to the place where they met, and Shane takes her there, where Skyla says that it is her destiny to pass on her powers to him. Skyla transfers her energy to Shane's morpher, forming his Battilizer, and then ascends to a new form, flying off. While never seen again, her power was used by Shane on many occasions, and although the Battlizer was later destroyed by the evil ninja Lothor, it was used to deplete his forces, and Vexacus was destroyed during the same battle, ending his hunt for Karmanians.


  • Power Rangers Ninja Storm, s11e26-27, "Shane's Karma" (2003)


  • The name of this species is derived from the word "karma," which ties into Skyla's belief in destiny, and the sum of the past she had with Shane materializing as a future where her powers are united with him.