Alien Species

Jokers are a sapient alien species known for their practical jokes.


Jokers are tall, spindly creatures with white skin partially covered in green hair or moss. Their faces are triangular, with a jutting jaw and permanent grin. Their resemblance to Batman's eponymous nemesis is coincidental, as the Jokers are named for their own sense of humor. Their speech consists of rattling sounds.

Jokers have gullet stones which must be replaced every five hundred "standard days" or so.[Note 1]

The Joker that visited the Draco Tavern in the early 21st century claimed that his planet orbited a star hotter than Sol, and had a longer year. Given their penchant for deception, it's not known whether these statements are true.


  • "Breeding Maze", by Larry Niven (2006)


  1. A "standard day" is a Chirpsithra unit. It's not known how long that would be on Earth terms.