The Ixchel are a sapient benevolent species that inhabits the planet Ixchel, located in the same system as Camazotz.
The Ixchel are large bipeds, considerably taller than Humans, with four arms that terminate in several tentacles. Their entire bodies are covered in soft grey fur. Blind and eyeless due to the partially opaque atmosphere of their planet, they perceive the universe by other senses, including a form of telepathy. Their faces are mostly featureless, with only indentations in place of eyes and mouth, and tentacles in place of hair and ears. When they speak, their voices seem to originate from their tentacles.
The Ixchel sleep at night and are active during the day, when they feel the sun's warmth, although the concept of light is alien to them. Nevertheless, they are aware of the existence of the stars and other planets. By touching other creatures, they can alleviate pain and heal.
- A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeleine L'Engle (1962)