Alien Species

The Infestation is an infectious biochemical weapon created by the Orokin. Comprised of microscopic techno-organic parasites, those who become infested are warped into twisted, malformed creatures controlled by a hive mind bent on assimilating all life it can find.


The Infestation was created by the Orokin to be used as a bioweapon against the Sentients. Unfortunately, they were unable to control it and it was quick to prey upon its creators. Despite this setback, the Orokin successfully used a modified strain of the Infestation, the Helminth strain, to create the Warframes, biomechanical avatars for the Tenno. Using these Warframes, the Tenno were able to fight the Infested and purge the colonies fallen to them without risk of infection. The Infestation's involvement in the creation of the Warframes is evidently known to it, as many Tenno who were contacted by the hive mind found that it seemed confused, questioning why they would attack their 'flesh.'

Since the fall of the Orokin, the Infestation has assimilated countless Grineer and Corpus into its hordes. As a result of the Mutalist strain created by the Corpus scientist Alad V, the Infestation has now become capable of assimilating robots. Over time, the Infested will continue to mutate and become one with the infestation itself, becoming entirely new creatures with no resemblance at all to their former selves. As demonstrated by Deimos, the Infestation can consume entire celestial bodies if left unchecked.

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