Idikiukup and Bob, better known as the Twins, are a pair of hyper-intelligent alien technicians who work in the Men in Black headquarters on Earth, where they can be frequently seen working at the surveillance board monitoring the activities of some of the most unstable aliens on Earth.
They are also invariably assigned to any task that involves dealing with strange technology, figuring out codes and translations, and are responsible for keeping the headquarters running on 37-hours-a-day Centaurian time.
The Twins are gastropod-like creatures with seemingly radial symmetry. They have eight arms equally spaced around their bodies, each terminating on two digits. From their central area protrudes a single eyestalk with a large yellow eye.
While their species' name is not known, the fact that they're responsible for synchronizing the headquarters to a Centaurian day timescale suggests that they might be native to the Centaurus constellation.
- As seen in the gallery above, some episodes of Men in Black: The Series portrayed the Twins with only five or six arms rather than eight.