The Ians (physiological classification: GKNM) are a sapient insectoid species from the planet Ia, in the Small Magellanic Cloud.
Members of this species are oxygen-breathers, herbivorous, oviparous, and go through a larval stage which resembles a Kelgian, to the point of sharing the Kelgians' physiological classification, DBLF. At this stage, they are caterpillar-like creatures with five pairs of tentacular legs and supported by an internal skeleton. They weigh about four times as much as an adult Human and are endowed with great physical strength.
When they are ready to metamorphosize, the caterpillar-like larva will lie down sideways and bite its own tail, turning itself into a ring with its tentacular legs facing outwards. A brownish shell starts to grow around its mouth, covering its head and tail and spreading over its entire skin. During this vulnerable period while the chrysalis is not finished yet, the larva's legs exhibit an involuntary response to danger, violently thrashing around with surprising strength whenever an unprotected area of the body is touched.
The adult Ian which emerges from the chrysalis is a frail insectoid, somewhat resembling a dragonfly with a long flexible cylindrical body, four insectile legs, manipulatory appendages, and three pairs of wings. They can hover in the air like dragonflies, and prefer to hover while eating as opposed to landing or roosting, as it aids their digestive process. Unlike dragonflies, they are strict vegetarians.
Culture and society[]
The sociology of this species has been noted as unusually complex. The caterpillar-like larvae, being stout and muscular, are much more suited for hard work than the frail imago stage, which in turn has much more well-developed appendages suited for delicate and dexterous tasks.
Their technology is very advanced, allowing them to cross the intergalactic void and establish colonies in the Milky Way Galaxy. Their medical science appears to be likewise advanced, and they make use of ambulance ships to handle medical emergencies. These ships are also equipped for providing medical treatment to several other species in addition to the Ians.
- "Out-Patient", by James White (1960)
- Star Surgeon, by James White (1963)