Alien Species

Hyperians are a sapient alien species from the planet Hyperia.


Hyperians are gaunt-looking bipeds with bluish-grey skin and sharp teeth. Their hands have five fingers, while their feet have four toes. They have superhuman strength and are capable of stretching their arms to enormous lengths.

At least two different variations are known to exist: one with four eyes and a beak and one with two eyes and no beak. It's not known whether this difference is due to sexual dimorphism, different subspecies or other factors.

Culture and society[]

Described by Zed as a "mysterious race from the fringe of the galaxy", they had never been encountered by the MiB prior to the year 2000. However, a Hyperian scout is known to have visited Earth in 3500 BC.

Hyperians are a hostile species intent on conquering other worlds. Their culture is similar to the ancient Egyptians in terms of clothes, architecture and other aesthetic aspects. Unlike the Egyptians, however, the Hyperians venerate dogs rather than cats.


  • Men in Black: The Series, s03e37, "The I Want My Mummy Syndrome" (2000)