Alien Species
Humanised Daleks

Humanised Dalek Colony on Kyrol

The Humanised Daleks were a renegade faction of Daleks who the Second Doctor had 'created' by implanting them with the Human Factor; the essence of what distinguished humanity from other species.

The implantation initially regressed the Daleks to a child-like state, although the Second Doctor explained that they would 'grow up' within a few hours. The most notable difference is that the Humanised Daleks possessed a greater range of emotions (pure Daleks mostly been devoid of emotions and only able to comprehend them) and a tendency to question orders rather then automatically obeying.

The Humanised Daleks ended up being the cause of a civil war on Skaro, in which they initially appeared to win as they overcame the pure Dalek's resistance and attacked the Dalek Emperor. However, they were eventually defeated by the pure Daleks and presumably wiped out, although a small number managed to escape during the civil war and created an underwater colony on the planet Kyrol.



Civil War


End of the Humanised Daleks


Similar instances of 'Humanised' Daleks

