The Hoix are a species of carnivorous reptilian humanoids of unknown origin.
The Hoix are monsterous in appearance, they have a humanoid in bodily structure, bar the head, unlike quite a few species, they have no lips, they are omnivores but they have a preference towards meat, they a physically incapable of speaking all languages (including Earth English) only being able to make growls and snarls.
They are harmed by some mysterious cocktail of chemicals.
In 102AD, The Hoix where members of The Alliance who attempted to seal The Doctor inside the Pandorica in an attempt to seal the cracks in the universe, this caused the universe to not happen, and once the universe was restarted, the Alliance was most likely erased from existense.
Several times in the Early 21st Century, the Hoix appeared on Earth, twice via the Space-Time rift beneath Cardiff, Wales, and once under mysterious circumstances.