Alien Species

Hen Hens are an avian species found throughout the Far, Far Range. Hen Hens are the main source of food for some Slime species.


They are much stockier than Earth chickens; their heads are more broad and closer to the body. Their legs and wings are stunted, and their feet are no more than stubs, but they are still just as capable of standard locomotion.

Standard Hen Hens have basic white feathers similar to the Solid White Plumage Chicken breeds of Earth, the males mirroring a standard farmyard rooster.

Life Cycle[]

Hen Hens lay eggs—up to three eggs—during a 24-hour period. The chicks, known as "Chickadoos," are born amongst a flock of Hen Hens and remain with their flock in the wilds of the Far, Far Range planet until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

Mature females all have a single mate in the form of the Roostro, the dominant male.


Primarily domesticated, hen hens are often used by ranchers as a meat source for their Slimes, and, of course, for their eggs. Elder Hen Hens are primarily meat resources, as elders are incapable of reproduction.


  • Hen Hen
  • Stony Hen
  • Briar Hen
  • Painted Hen
  • Sea Hen
  • Thundercluck Hen