Alien Species

The Hell-hound is a creature native to the Shadow-World, a magical alternate dimension that intersects Earth.


A Hell-hound was as tall as a adult human and one bundle of aggressive muscle. It had a massive head that sported a mouth with lots of sharp teeth, with two black ram's horns on either side of its head that ended in razor-sharp points. There is strip of bright-yellow fur over its head and back that seemed to fade in and out of the brown-black skin beneath it, causing viewers to look at it, and be mesmerized by it.

Hell-hounds like all Shadow creatures could not be perceived by human sight though humans could sense its presence albeit vaguely. They only ones who could see are other Shadow beings or humans equipped with the Shadow-World App. Though invisible, they normally did not attack humans who did not see them, but could influence the physical world by causing mayhem and damage to the surroundings. Hell-hounds normally appeared through rifts that occasionally appeared on the surface of the Sun World and their places of manifestation were usually isolated and not locals with crowds.


  • Shadow-World by P.Z. Walker