Alien Species

The Hanen are a species of emotionless sapient Dinosaur-esque creatures.


The Hanen resemble the Dinosaurs of Earth's past. However, contrary to their carnivorous appearance they are herbivores and breathe a different atmosphere than oxygen.

Culture and society[]

The Hanen are described as pacifist and vegetarians. However, they absolutely lack Human emotions, having no notion of Human ideals, such as the burying of the dead. Their most noted technological feat is what is called 'The Marble', a teleportation device which works by creating a copy of the transporter at their desired location. This causes an imbalance where the original body of the transported is destroyed, now in Hanen ideals being a 'Redundancy', as a means of 'Balancing the Equation'. The Hanen, of course due to their compassionless natures, see no ethical problem with this.


  • "Think Like a Dinosaur", by James Patrick Kelly (1995)
  • The Outer Limits, Season 7 Episode 8 - "Think Like a Dinosaur" (2001)


  • In most depictions of the Hanen, they are shown as being similar to Tyrannosaurs, whereas in The Outer Limits version of the story, they are shown as being more similar in appearance to the Utahraptor.