Alien Species

Gylesian is a sapient species of highly aggressive predators, from the Milky Way Galaxy.[1]


Gylesian are sapient species of from the Milky Way Galaxy. They are highly aggressive and unpredictable carnivorouse predators. Gylesians are white big creatures, similar to really long Earth scorpions. On their tail they have a small toothed jaw that is used to hunt their victims. They are capable of walking on walls and ceilings. At some point of their life they go through the pupation. Before this, their are capbale of eating an entire Moloch from the Luturi System.[1]


Gylesian inhabit dark places with walls covered by dark pulsating mass reminding tar-like structure.[1]


  • Zagubieni. Zwiad by Marcin Mortka (2014)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Marcin Mortka: Zagubieni. Zwiad. 2014. Zielona Sowa. ISBN 9788378953227.