Alien Species
"The Grace doesn't exist in this universe. It doesn't think or feel. It only understands the balance between chaos and order. The march of entropy through time."

The Grace are pandimensional cosmic entities which reside outside of time and space. Their power over reality surpasses even that of the Guardians of Time, who are subordinate to them. They are the creators of the Key to Time.

The Grace have access to, and mastery over, all of time and space. They can create life and take it, but never do anything without a "price", i.e. a way to maintain the balance between order and chaos. While they can communicate with the inhabitants of spacetime, their senses and experiences are not the same as theirs.

Although the Grace are responsible for keeping the universe in balance, they rarely interact with it. When they do, they are usually almost imperceptible. According to Zara, their presence can be felt as "a change in the air, a subtle sense of misgiving", less vivid than dreams. The presence of the Grace can be compared to voices babbling "not quite in range of your hearing". In their native realm, Zara describes them as "tricksy impish creatures" without bones, which can even look cute when they're not weighed down by their work of keeping the universe in order.
