The Gouli are an alien species that lay claim to the Gouli Territory in the Milky Way Galaxy.
Large, luminous, yellow-gold eyes; soft-looking exoskeleton, two-fingered hands, and bipedal. Goulis can see into infrared and ultraviolet.
While Goulis have no psionics, as understood by other races, they do have some kind of weird ability to cloud the minds of their opponents in space battles. Pilots frequently report Gouli fighter ships “suddenly appearing out of nowhere!”
The Gouli are renowned for their prowess in space combat, especially fighter to fighter. Goulis have a natural affinity for energy and projectile weapons. Their biggest problem is a lack of mechanical and technical skills. Even on military spacecraft, they need to hire non-Gouli to handle repairs and maintenance.
Over a thousand planets are now home to the Gouli. They like mixing with other races and, while running the govemment and the military, they leave most commercial and manufacturing jobs to others. Mutagen infestation is a serious problem among the Gouli, usually creating tremendous variations in size. Gouli's understand the speech of others but communicate by signs or in their own outrageous whistles.
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #5: Teaming Up with Fugitoid (1985)
- TMNT: Guide to the Universe by Eric Wujcik (1987)