Alien Species

Gorga is the Zula Patrol's space pet, and Bula's companion. He has various abilities, such as the ability to snort just about anything out of his snout, and the ability to inflate himself to a large size. He is most often seen with Wizzy and Wigg.


Gorga is a very playful puppy, and gets along well with Wizzy, Wigg and Bula. Like the rest of the team, he doesn't like Multo's cooking at all. Despite being a puppy, he has some traits where he acts like a normal alien, such as dancing and playing musical instruments. He can have his feelings easily hurt, as "Dog Gone Gorga" and The Zula Patrol: Under the Weather have shown. In addition, he easily gets jealous when Wizzy and Wigg play with other pets, such as Gloopy in "Adventures in Pet Sitting" where he expresses disapproval of them being granted permission to play with Gloopy. He is very loyal to the team, as they rescued him from a circusmaster who tried to capture him.


Prior to Gorga's job as a member of the Zula Patrol, he was a famous performer at Umbra and Penumbra's Flying Circus. However, he eventually got tired of the circus life, looking for planets to visit and explore. When the ringmaster tried to satisfy Gorga by bringing the Moon with the circus and move both across various systems, Gorga sided with the Moon, let him out of the net, and traveled with the Moon to various adventures, leaving the ringmaster a message and several postcards.

However, the ringmaster wanted him back and summoned robots to capture him. Then, Bula met the Moon and Gorga, and let the latter hide in his ship and the former to hide as a black spot. Gorga fell for a circus clown robot's trick and got sent back to the circus along with the Moon being trapped with a net. Then, Gorga inflated and shot the circus far away and the net onto the circus in order to untrap Bula and the Moon. This is where he learned real friends are ones who actually cared about him. However, the Moon retired from going on adventures, and Bula offered Gorga a chance to go on adventures with him instead. This is how he apparently became a part of the Zula Patrol.


  • Gorga is Voiced by Frank Welker who did a role for the Brain Pods in Buzz Lightyear of Star Command.
  • Gorga is a Space Dog worked on the Eponymous show and affiliation entitled "The Zula Patrol" and worked as Bula's Companion of the Zula Patrol Since Zeeter the Pilot.
  • Despite being a Real Dog, Gorga is the Zula Patrol’s space pet and Bula’s other companion. He has various abilities, such as the ability to snort just about anything out of his snout, and the ability to inflate himself to a large size. He is most often seen with Wizzy and Wigg.