Alien Species

The Ghomos are a species that were native to the planet Abraxar.


The Ghomos were giant blue planarians the size of whales. They were originally aquatic creatures of great wisdom and intelligence, capable of telepathy. After their encounter with a human named Lanfeust they were gifted with the ability to become spirits. Though they lived as spirits, the Ghomos with their new abilities were able project the force of their psychic aura and to occupy the bodies of deceased beings.


Four thousands years ago the Ghomos once inhabited the ocean planet of Abraxar. A human culture lived alongside them, though they were catered by the women as it was believed that men minds' were too crude to hear their thoughts.

Lanfeust with Swiip had managed to find themselves transported to the past of Abraxar after the former accidentally used his power. There they encountered a sisterhood who attended to the needs of the Ghomos. One of the Ghomos named M'otha however when he made contact with Lanfeust experiencing a vision. The Ghomo saw that Lanfeust came from the future and that he would play a significant part in his destiny.

However the sea levels of the planet were draining at a dangerous level. The Ghomos were trapped in the underwater tunnels of the temple of their servants when the water levels sank. M'otha was the only one of their kind who managed to slip back into the sea.

However the Ghomos were trapped and fated to die without water but they did not despair as Mo'tha was granted a power from Lanfeust when he touched him which he shared with the rest of his brethren. The remaining Ghomos willingly used this power to become spirits so that they could live on in M'otha.

Mo'tha later join Lanfeust and his allies on their journey to learn why his world had was being draied of water. The creature informed Lanfeust after they made contact with each other he experienced a vision that Lanfeust and he would meet in the future and return the power Lanfeust shared with him. It was later discovered that the Pathacelces were responsible for the theft of the water, stealing it to replenish their world's liquid. While Lanfeust and his friends worked together to destroy the base from draining other oceans, Mo'tha decided to use the portal to a escape Abraxar. Before leaving he promised Lanfeust that they would meet again.

Mo'tha would make his way to another world and into the oceans of Pathacelces. There he released the spirits of his brethren allowing them to live an non-corpeal existence before Mo'tha left to complete his own destiny and plunged into another stargate. The Ghomos witnessed a holocaust of the Pathacelces by the authorities of the galaxy who wiped them out for the theft of multiple oceans. Despite the race dooming their world, the Ghomos could not look away from teh atrocity and managed to save one of the Pathacelces.

Mo'tha would eventually be transported to the world of Troy where he would await Lanfeust to be born. The other Ghomos used their new powers to explore the galaxy via non-corporeal form and raise the last Pathacelces. Using their new powers to possess the decease, they changed species rename themselves the Dolphantes. Meanwhile, Mo'tha would become the Magohamoth a creature that would be teh source of all magic of Troy. It was his mission to ensure that he lived to the point where he would meet Lanfeust once again when he sought him, and thus fullfilling the paradox.


  • Lanfeust of the Stars #4 - The Drinkers of Worlds (2004)
  • Lanfeust of the Stars #5 - The Ride of the Bacteria (2005)
  • Lanfeust of the Stars #6 - The Pirate's Cry (2006)
  • Lanfeust of the Stars #7 - The Secret of the Dolphantes (2007)