The Furinac are an alien species from the planet Furin that are members of the Allied League of Worlds and appear in Stardoc.
Furinacs were long-limbed, thick-torsoed humanoids with dark, plated exoskeletons. If one crossed a horse with a giant beetle, something like a Furinac would be the result.
Furinac had no lungs. Their species breathed through spiracles, small holes on either side of their exoskeletons.
On the twin sides of their exoskeleton is a soft, vulnerable underbelly that gleamed white in the stark light. The abdominal muscle sheathing, is noted to be nonexistent. Consumption of a Furinac’s native diet requires the utilization of all four stomachs.
Furinac are led by individuals known as Patriarchs.
- Stardoc (Stardoc, #1) by S.L. Viehl
- Beyond Varallan (Stardoc, #2) by S.L. Viehl