Alien Species

This is an unnamed species of sapient amphibianoids which inhabit a galaxy far, far away.


Members of this species are tail-less amphibianoids which walk bipedally, but can switch to quadrupedal stance when running. They have large eyes, which can be either black or red, and a long prehensile tongue. They don't seem to be able to speak Basic.

Females lay dozens of soft eggs which are incubated in water and can't tolerate traveling through hyperspace.


  • The Mandalorian, s02e02, "The Passenger" (2020)
  • The Mandalorian, s02e03, "The Heiress" (2020)


  • The name of this species hasn't been revealed, but they're usually referred to as frogs. The individuals featured in the series have been identified in the end credits as "Frog Lady" and "Frog Man". Additionally, Din Djarin has quipped that he doesn't "speak Frog", referring to their (otherwise unnamed) language.