Alien Species

The Zenox are an ancient race of humanoid felinoids. They are for the most part a space faring race but rely only on diplomacy and using ancient long forgotten secrets to get what they want whether it be money,


power or planets.

The Zenox people are very keen on using words rather than conflicts. they are known to be cautious when entering treaties or trade agreements as they would usually probe the agreement for loopholes and stability. Nothing would seem to get pass by them without them picking it apart for any flaws or anything that would bring harm to their people. The Zenox ensure that they are absolutely clear on every last detail of the agreement before finally approving it. 

Being survivors of last Shakturi invasion,the Zenox are particular interested in recording and preserving galactic history and all of her species knowing that any moment a virus, an evil empire or a new shakturi invasion could wipe them and everyone else out . Zenox are considered outstanding epic story-tellers as they draw upon their vast store of old myths and legends to produce unique and compelling tales that many species children enjoy watching,reading listen to. The Zenox have claimed to be the guardians of secret knowledge of galactic history, some of which they reveal in their stories. In fact that some of their historical research has led to unorthodox claims about the galaxy’s past. One of these stories asserts that all the Insectoid races once betrayed the rest of the galaxy to an extragalactic invader. However most other alien races dismiss their evidence as insane or highly unlikely despite the Zenox evidence being right. 

Zenox technology are truly advance as they barely escaped the first Shakturi culling. their tech includes an advanced shield component, known as the Megatron Z4. These powerful shields are prominent on many Zeox star ships and bases. 

The Zenox, during the ancient times, were an average technocratic empire. They were close to the Humans and Wekkarus before Shakturi invasion. When the insectoids declared war on all non-insectoid species, they abandon their close friends and allies and isolated themselves by refusing to contact or receive contacts from the other races and actively tried to remove their colonies and homeworld from the data-banks of the other species in an effort for everyone to forget about them. it failed and the Shakturi and its axis began to destroy the Zenox's worlds. By the time the freedom alliance had finally found a way to defeat the Shakturi , the Zenox were hanging by a thread. as the age of shadows began to unfold, the Zenox along with the Mechanoids seemed to be only races that had ftl tech. When the next Shakturi invasion threatens the galaxy, the Zenox should stand with the galaxy instead of running from it.
