Alien Species

The Qwohog were amphibious humanoid sapients indigenous to Hirsi, a planet mostly covered in freshwater lakes and seas.  Small-boned, agile, and delicate in appearance, they were sometimes called Wavedancers for their graceful movement through the freshwater oceans and lakes of their homeworld.


Qwohog had smooth iridescent skin, blue to green in color. They had no hair, though they did have raised silvery-blue scales on their heads, wrists, waists, and ankles which could be mistaken for hair at a distance. Their faces had no visible noses, long, pointed ears, and round, black eyes. Though they were delicate in appearance, Qwohog were quite strong for their size.

Qwohog were completely amphibious, with their lungs connected to their mouth and to gill slits under their arms. They easily adapted to a variety of freshwater environments, though saltwater damaged their lungs and gills. They therefore required protective suits to swim in the saline oceans found on most other habitable planets.

The Wavedancers had a spoken language, but since their voices were adapted for underwater communication, their voices only carried a few meters in air. They used Qwohog signlanguage instead to communicate on the surface. After making contact with offworlders, they began to use the vocalizer masks developed by the Anomids as well.


The Wavedancers never developed sophisticated technology on their own before their first contact with offworlders. Qwohog communities farmed various water plants, gathered floating basin-pods, and hunted skitterflies and fish. Qwohog hunting parties also went ashore to search for lizards and small mammals, which they considered delicacies. Most Qwohog wore simple clothing made from tenidit plants, with male leaders often decorating their ears with seashells.

Qwohog were hard workers who were equally eager to seek pleasure and quick to make friends. If wronged or threatened, however, they would fiercely defend themselves or their homes.
