Alien Species

The Erycis are a race of multi-headed reptiles from the planet Auriga.


They are large and formidable multi-headed hydra. While they appear to be monstrous beast they have hands with claws capable of manipulating tools, but tend to mostly prefer using their large, fearsome jaws and teeth.

They appear to be a race of bottom-feeders, capable of eating almost anything. The Erycis can extract poisons from their food and isolate them in a specialized gland allowing them to feed in extreme environments. When threatened, they can also expel the contents of that gland as a highly toxic cloud.

Erycis sapience is an adaptation to a child-bearing reproductive plan, and to a lower litter size, which encouraged the development of social behavior.


The Erycis worship multiple nature spirits as different aspects of a monotheistic godhead, who is represented as a single statue with different metals incorporated into the details of its scutes and frills.


  • Endless Legend (2014)
  • Dungeon of The Endless (2014)