Alien Species

Elonians are a humanoid species from the planet Elonia.



Elonians are humanoid in appearance and possess a variety of colorful skin tones, including blue and red. Male Elonians had markings on their face not unlike tattoos.

According to Rom, Elonians are biologically similar to other humanoid species including humans.


The Elonians' culture allows for there to be sets of parents of a similar gender. For example, Rom and Reyn were raised by two mothers.


Elonians cannot survive on planets with an oxygen-based atmosphere such as Earth.

Culture and society[]

The Elonians developed several distinct civilizations before eventually unifying under a single planetary government. After this unification, they discovered the secrets of faster-than-light travel.

As the founders of the Solstar Order, the Elonians are its main representatives and the species most associated with the organization. This is evident by Rom and Livia being prominent members of the Space Knights.


One of the practices in the Elonians' religion involves believing in six hells. This practice at the very least is polytheistic with many Space Knights swearing by the "gods of Elonia".


The Elonians evolved some ten million years ago, with their early society being composed of hunter and gathers. One such Elonian witnessed the Cybertronian Titan Emissary crash-land in the Thrail Mountains.

Some three hundred years prior to 2017, attacks by the shapeshifting aliens known as the Dire Wraiths caused the Elonians to form the Solstar Order to fight back against the invaders. One such invasion involved the Dire Wraiths searching for a mysterious ore that existed in the depths of Elonia. Though many Elonians perished in the invasion, the Wraiths were ultimately unsuccessful in their assault with the substance (later revealed to be Ore-12) eventually leading to the birth of the Space Knights.

In 2018, Elonia was invaded by Unicron, who sought to destroy the planet and absorb the Ore-12 into his being. Optimus Prime and his allies joined the Space Knights as they attempted to evacuate Elonia. Though Unicron easily destroyed the planet, the Cybertronians were able to use space bridge technology to safely teleport two thirds of Elonia's population (including animals) to Cybertron.

Though Cybertron itself was later destroyed by Unicron, what remained of the Elonian species was safely teleported to Earth thanks to the the Spectral Knights. After Optimus was able to foil Unicron's attack on Earth, the Elonians settled into a new life on the planet alongside the Cybertronians and other alien refugees.


  • In the original ROM franchise, Rom's species is the Galadorians. The reason this was changed into the Elonians for the 2005 IDW continuity was that the Galadorians are currently owned by Marvel.