Alien Species

The Eddies are a race of organic automatons.


They resemble mouthless silvery-grey skinned humanoids. They utterly possess no emotions, and are dedicated to their tasks.


On an Earth where the nationalist fervor that spread throughout Western Europe during the later half of the 19th century never came to pass, Adolph Hitler’s cry for a pure Aryan Germany was never heard, and thus World War II never came to be.

However, in 1996, Proposition 286, the Racial Repatriation Act sponsored by California Governor Schick was approved by the voters and minorities began to be rounded up. All this was in the name of pull the American economy out of the recession, preserving American (Caucasian) jobs.

Economic recovery facilitators, also known as “Stompers,” used violent force to capture and detain ethnic minorities and non-Caucasians.

By 1997, Schick campaigned for presidency, increasing his propaganda for 'American for Americans". Soon after his proclamation "Eddies", tireless automatons, began to replace the detained migrants as a source of free labor. Migrants were detained and supposedly deported. In addition those not 100% Caucasian, determined through blood tests are sent for deportation. Its later revealed that the Eddies are actually people reported to have been processed for deportation; mutilated and stripped of their identity for cheap labor. 


  • Sliders, s04e11, "California Reich"