Alien Species

The Dyglufsare are a species originating from the Orion's Arm Encyclopedia.


The species known as the Dyglufsare were discovered on Hlone Enced, a vast tidal plain on the planet Socius (Lambda Aedes III) in the year 9388 AT (between 11356 and 11357 CE).[1]

Hlone Enced is a 4000 kilometer wide extension of the continent Jennunatur, less than 10 meters above sea level at its highest. The moon, Compagnon, brings in high tides, drawing water over the plains through a number of tidal canyons, plus frequent rains keep it always moist. The result, after millions of years is kilometers of swamps, mud flats, clay rivers, sandbanks and mud labyrinths covered by mangrove-like forests and algal mats., mud flats, clay rivers, sandbanks and mud labyrinths covered by mangrove-like forests and algal mats. Within this, the Dyglufsare evolved as scavengers and collectors, filtering mud and silt through their extensive gastrointestinal tract.


They appear vaguely humanoid, with a broad flat star-like head that they usually keep above the surface and often covered by symbiotic or parasitic vegetation. They have three eyes around the circumference, a rotund body with a large mouth opening in the front. They have 2 pairs of arms with long filaments to shovel mud into the mouth, two pairs of feet that are used for digging through the mud and a long tail for anchoring and direction. The tail is really the bundled ends of their tree-like digestive system, needed to extract nutrients from the mud. The brain of the Dyglufsare is not particularly large, but it is dual: the head houses one sensory brain that controls many escape and defense reflexes, while a slightly larger, pear-shaped brain below the neck controls overall movement and strategy.

The Dyglufsare are a slow-moving creature; apparently content to spend time their gathering mud. To many people's surprise, they show signs of intelligence. The Dyglufsare sometimes build channels or dams to catch nutrients or even the local equivalent of fish(which are too fast for them to normally catch; they just pour digested silt onto the puddles until the "fish" are immobilized and easy to catch). Sometimes they throw fruits(inedible to them) onto the mud to attract edible scavengers. When flying predators sweep down on them, they traditionally try to submerge as much of their body as possible in the clay, hoping the predators can't reach down far enough to get them. Modern Dyglufsare appear to have found that carrying a long branch when crossing dangerous open areas can save them: when they see a predator, they hunker down and place the stick upright. The predator impales itself itself on the stick, and the Dyglufsare can continue. Some Dyglufsare have apparently put this into system, and deliberately lure predators to their death on sticks. A week later, the mud is filled with nutritious creatures that can be harvested.


To mate, a pair of Dyglufsare circle each other, spiraling inwards until they meet in a well-churned pit of mud. Then, eggs and sperm are laid in the mud and for the next few weeks the parents will keep the mud soft and wet, adding nutrients and protecting it from predators. After the eggs hatch, the young follow in the trail of their parents until they are able to fend for themselves.


Despite their non-sapience, brain scans and modeling show that there is indeed enough neural connectivity and rich representation of their world, that the species is counted as sapient. It is not obvious why they evolved this, although increasing predator attacks and climate changes have been cited. The fact that they have no language and have weak social bonds make further development unlikely.

