Alien Species

The Dryads are a race native to the Nine Realms.


A pale skinned humanoid race though they possess plant-like traits such as leaves for hair. Through magic are able to manipulate plant matter, crafting weapons and even summoning trees in the shape of beasts.

Dryads are a dimorphic species, with females able to grow wings, though doing so would cost them their reproductive capabilities.


The Dryads were one of first of two races, the other being the Stone People, that arose on their world through the grace of the living energy known as the Quintessence.

In the dark reign of Ichnar the Wraith King, the Kingdom of the Dryads joined in an alliance with the other Nine Kingdoms and helped defeat the tyrant. Two thousand years later when the Wraith King returned more stronger than ever due to his dark arts, the Dryads once again united with their allies to fight the Legion of Shadows. Among their number was King Tycho who joined a band of heroes on a quest to seek the Lost Armoury of Thraigne to create a weapon capable of killing the Wraith King.

When the alien invaders known as the Thorn arrived, intent on harvesting the magic to power their empire, in the skies of the Nine Realms, the dryads were among those that resisted the occupation. Tycho's wife was among those that chose to resist though she was killed and many others were captured for experiments. The Thorn's Shrike Troopers burned and razed the Dryads forest leaving only the Heartwood untouched thanks to it being concealed by a glamour. However Tycho unable to see more of his people die chose to surrender and join the Thorn invaders much to the objection of his people.

He went as far to offer his people's subservience and the Wizard Ablard to the Thorn. Tycho's daughter Princess yarrow though disagreed with his willingness to bend before the aliens and helped free the wizard and his ork companion Crixus. Tycho was brought before Duke Eschatus, leader of the occupation of the Nine Realms, where the Thorn elevated the native to become his new General-At-Arms of his forces, promising him the ability to not only keep his people safe but also change the stars themselves. Eschatus revealed his plan to overthrow the current ruler of the Thorn and wanted Tycho to become a member of a new army of magic casters he intended to form to launch his coup.

Tyco accepted and led his new forces against the heroes in the last city of the Stone People to extract Crixus as the ork had some unique connection to the Quintessence. However in the fight between the heroes, Crixus was killed. But death was not the end for the ork as he was resurrected by the Ebora. A parley was struck, and Tycho was allowed to return back to his Thorn master to deliver a message and open a dialogue.

Unfortunately when Tycho returned to the orbiting space station of Duke Eschatus, he was horrified to find that Ichnar the Wraith King had taken possession of the Thorn and was in full control of the alien occupation. The dryad refused to serve the undead lich and thus Ichnar ordered his soldiers to execute him. Tycho managed to escape on a shuttle and crash back onto the planet's surface. There he was found by the recently resurrected Ablard. Together with the wizard they raised an army just in time to save Crixus and his budding resistance.


The dryads were a race that are entwinned to nature. They also have a deep hatred for orks as the other race historically used them for kindling and slaves.


  • 2000-AD: Issue-2011: Kingmaker Part 1
  • 2000-AD: Issue-2012: Kingmaker Part 2
  • 2000-AD: Issue-2013: Kingmaker Part 3
  • 2000-AD: Issue-2015: Kingmaker Part 5
  • 2000-AD: Issue-2016: Kingmaker Part 6
  • 2000-AD: Issue-2017: Kingmaker Part 7
  • 2000-AD: Issue-2015: Kingmaker Part 5
  • 2000-AD: Issue-2016: Kingmaker Part 6
  • 2000-AD: Issue-2017: Kingmaker Part 7
  • 2000-AD: Issue-2018: Kingmaker Part 8
  • 2000-AD: Issue-2019: Kingmaker Part 9
  • 2000-AD: Issue-2020: Kingmaker Part 10