Alien Species

The Draykanian are a race of evil celestial beings from another universe in Race.


Based on the movie, the Draykanians can appear to be purple-skinned humanoids, though their true forms are beings of creatures of darkness. They are capable of extracting pure Core from asteroids however directly touching it is poisonous to them. Their lifespans are hundreds if not thousands of years long. The have a minor degree of shape-shifting abilities able to turn their limbs into deadly melee weapons.

History []

The Draykanians existed alongside the Solatians after an event they called the First Light or what is commonly called the Big Bang. Both races dwelled within a dimension outside the confines of the material universe, and though both species were diametric of one another, an eternal stalemate lasted for eons between the races.

When the jumpgates were created by an unknown race they accidentally stumbled onto the realm of the two ancient species. The Draykanians seeing a chance to shift the cosmic balance in their favor, tried to invade the material universe. The builders sensing their error closed the gate, but not before one Draykanian escaped. To maintain balance one Solatian was sent outside to counter the imbalance caused by the Draykanian. The jumpgate connecting to the celestial realm was lost creating the legend of the Lost Gate.

Culture []

The Draykanians are a an evil species, believing in chaos and war. They crave carnage and imbalance.
