The unnamed species are a humanoid warrior race and are most notably the species that Drax of Earth-199999 belongs to.
Differences from Earth-616[]
This species (as far as we know) is not existent in that universe, and there are differences between that version of Drax, and the Earth-199999 version. In Earth-616, Drax's real name is "Arthur Sampson Douglas", in Earth-199999, Drax IS his real name.
Externally, this species are very similar to Humans, save for their gray skin and what appear to be a red stripe on their bodies. However, they have enough strength to flip cars, and their bodies are durable enough to shrug off bullets.
They are known to be warriors, though they are also said to be very literal and as such do not understand metaphors or idioms. It is for this reason that are considered unintelligent, naive and gullible by many species of the universe.