Alien Species

The Drall are a small, furry, and highly intelligent species found on Drall in the Corellian system. They are descended from burrowing mammals, and are regarded as extremely diligent record-keepers. It's been said that they have recorded every trivial event since the dawn of intelligence. Libraries are among their greatest forms of entertainment, as are story-telling sessions called Ta'sharr.

The planet from which they originate is unknown; thousands of years before the Galactic Civil War, the Celestials transported the species to Drall in the Corellian system. Drall is usually hot and members of the species are covered with thick fur. Drall rarely wear any clothes except a belt to carry personal belongings. They are very fond of jewelry composed of ores and gems, which they make into beautiful works of art. Some Drall also believe that they originally hibernated before becoming civilized and build rooms in their houses that remind them of caves. These rooms help the Drall relax and think clearly.


Their notable traits are being small bipeds with furry features who are stated to be descended from burrowing animals. Their faces hold a pair of black eyes. They have short muzzles and almond-shaped black eyes. Their bodies are covered with fur which ranges from brown and black to reddish-gray. Drall have short limbs with clawed hands and feet. Adult members of the species stand between 0.9 to 1.5 meters tall, with females being taller as well as more solidly built when compared to males. Their arms are usually longer than their legs, giving them higher strength and agility, especially when climbing.


They are noted for being natives of the Corellian system and claim their descent from burrowing animals. Around 35,000 years prior to the Clone Wars, a Drall scientist by the name of Tiran created the Theory of Universal Reference and postulated that the speed-of-light was a boundary that was incapable of being crossed. This was 10,000 years prior to the discovery of hyperdrive technology.

During the Corellian Crisis, Duchess Marcha and Ebrihim worked with Chief of State Leia Organa Solo and put their Drallish minds to uncovering a subterranean planetary repulsor that was used in ancient times to move their world to its current orbit. The Drall repulsor was used to later disable Centerpoint Station when it was being used against the New Republic.
