The Dragins are a species of quadrupedal, reptile-like creatures.
Dragins, despite their name, hardly hold much resemblance to Dragons of Earth. Instead, they are dog-like in appearance with very large eyes. and tongues that dangle constantly from their mouths. Their movements are highly irregular, as they could barely balance themselves on their own legs as they move around. Dragins have numerous subspecies within the same family group, all of which are vibrantly different in color but hold the same physical anatomy. Although they move in an awkward waddle, they are capable of great bursts of speed to capture prey items.
The Dragins are sociable creatures, often found in large numbers, and even alongside similar species.
Cultural significance[]
While this is more implied than directly stated by many, Dragins are possibly bred by other races as a form of meat animal, similar to Pigs and Cattle. Small "domesticated" breeds are half the size of their wilder counterparts, and significantly weaker. Other races transport the species inside crates.