Alien Species

The Douwd are an extragalactic immortal species which can assume any physical appearance. The only known member of this species has a very strong code against killing - although in a moment of unexpected grief and anger he destroyed the Husnock to avenge the death of his Human wife.



A Douwd in Human form

In their true forms, Douwd resemble translucent energy-based humanoids colored purple, possessing incredible essokinetic power. Lighter examples of their power include creating elaborate life-like illusions capable of fooling all senses, clouding the mind of psychics, and taking on the form of a Human, while feats of their greater power include annihilating entire species and civilizations with a single thought, even one that was made impulsively. The only known limit to their power is that they cannot resurrect the dead, although they can create illusions of a deceased person.

Culture and society[]

Little is known of Douwd society, as only one has been encountered by Humans. However, despite their capacity to utterly destroy and rewrite galaxies as they please, Douwd appear to be pacifists. Their only known member had a code never to kill, and was willing to set aside his powers to live as a Human. For reasons unknown, this Douwd had been in the Milky Way for thousands of years, and in the 23rd century, came to Earth under the guise of a Human college student, even finding love.


  • Star Trek: The Next Generation, s03e03, "The Survivors" (1989)