Alien Species

The Dire Wraith are an evolutionary offshoot of the Skrulls from the Andromeda Galaxy.


Dire Wraiths were originally depicted as amorphous, cloudy, vaguely humanoid-shaped beings. It was eventually revealed that this form was a transitional form used for shapeshifting. As such, their true form is entirely different.

Wraiths are red-skinned aliens with reptilian and mammalian traits such as small beaks, "hands" resembling small pincers and tentacles, clawed feet, thick tails, and long drill-like tongues.


Females Dire Wraths can lay eggs and lactate.


Dire Wraths use their tongues to suck out the brains of their victims.

Powers and abilities[]

Like Skrulls, Dire Wraiths are shapeshifters, able to take the forms of other creatures.


Dire Wraiths are Skrullian Deviants engineered by the Celestials.
