Alien Species

Deerfoxes are a semi-sapient species of mammalian quadrupeds from the Land of starlight.


Deerfoxes are carnivoran quadrupeds; as their name intimates, they resemble a cross between a fox and deer. They're mainly covered in white fur with a row of spots located upon different parts of each individual, their body consist of hoofed-feet, an elongated bushy tail and black antlers in fact specifically, both gender possess antlers; if either male or female, although while cubs only have small goat-like horns and shorter limbs which make them appear more similar to a standard fox.

Culture and society[]

Deerfoxes live in herds and migrate occasionally by crossing between dimensions. Although they cannot speak any known foreign language, and communicate in their own language which basically sound like animalistic barks or yelps to other creatures.

Deerfoxes will travel and move across a stream of light, from one place to another that apparently requires to be summoned by themselves with their own howling. They're rarely seen by humans, in which case are thought by many to be just a myth.

According to legend, Deerfoxes have been rumored to be drawn towards a "kindred spirit" thus become loyal companions to that specific person or creature alike which they've chosen; a Deerfox would then remain by their side for an eternity with all kinds of differant species even a Forest Giant, other than humans. An individual of this species, nicknamed Twig, was found and has been raised by a girl called Hilda and her mother Johanna.
