Alien Species
Dalek-Human Hybrids

Also known simply as "The Hybrids", the Dalek-Humans were created on Earth in 1930 by the Cult of Skaro - a group of four Daleks who were created by the Emperor to "imagine" new ways of killing and survival.

According to Dalek Sec, there was more than 1000 Dalek-Human Hybrids. All of the Hybrids were laters armed with dalek energy weapons that resembled Tommy Guns.

Due to the intervention of the Tenth Doctor, the Hybrids had Time Lord DNA mixed up into their genome. As a result of their failing to obey orders because of this, the Hybrids were declared failures by Dalek Caan (who had assumed control over the cult) and were all killed by him - committing a genocide of the entire species.



Following the Doctor's actions during the Battle of Canary Wharf in 2006, the Cult of Skaro - a group of four Daleks who were created by the Emperor to "imagine" new ways of killing and survival - each used an 'Emergency Temporal Shift' to escape been sucked into the void with the Daleks and Cybermen. The Temporal shift resulted in the four daleks becoming stranded in New York in 1930. Trying to survive, the cult set up a base underneath the incomplete Empire State Building and first tried to grow new Dalek Embryos. However, the plan was abandoned after the flesh of the embryos was found to be too weak to survive.

Following this, the Cult realised that the greatest resource on the planet at the time was humanity - with the Daleks (enlisting the aid of a human called Mr Diagoras - a former WWI soldier and American businessman in charge of the Empire State Building's construction) stealing humans for their purposes. Those who were ranked with low intelligence were converted into 'Pig-Slaves', who would be used to capture more humans and to perform manual labour - although the lifespan of the slaves would only last a few weeks. Those who were ranked with higher intelligence would be taken to the laboratories, where their minds would be wiped and their bodies prepared for the 'Final Experiment'.

The number of humans taken for the final experiment totalled over 1000 - with the plan been to save the Dalek race by turning the humans they had captured into Human-Dalek hybrids. The Empire State building would be instrumental in achieving this, as a solar flare was heading towards Earth - with its Gamma radiation been sufficient to splice the human and dalek genetic codes together and awaken each of the 1000 bodies prepared. To ensure this success, Dalek Thay - one of the cult - allowed several pieces of his Dalekanium armour to be used to be placed around the mast where the lightning conductor was based.

The Final Experiment Begins

With the flare accelerating, the Daleks prepared for the final experiment. Mr Diagoras was brought before Dalek Sec before been restrained by the Pig Slaves. After a 'Chromatin solution' was completed in advance, Sec revealed that he planned to merge with Mr. Diagoras as the first part of the experiment. Although his fellow cult members objected, Sec declared that the Dalek's purity must be discarded if their race was to survive - adding that their purity and quest for supremacy had brought them to the brink of extinction. Continuing, Dalek Sec opened up his casing before forming a cocoon around Mr. Diagoras and beginning his hybridisation.


Doctor Who: Evolution of the Daleks - TV Episode
