Also known simply as "The Hybrids", the Dalek-Humans were created on Earth in 1930 by the Cult of Skaro - a group of four Daleks who were created by the Emperor to "imagine" new ways of killing and survival.
According to Dalek Sec, there was more than 1000 Dalek-Human Hybrids. All of the Hybrids were later armed with Dalek energy weapons that resembled Tommy Guns.
Due to the intervention of the Tenth Doctor, the Hybrids had Time Lord DNA mixed up into their genome. As a result of their failing to obey orders because of this, the Hybrids were declared failures by Dalek Caan (who had assumed control over the cult) and were all killed by him - committing a genocide of the entire species.
It can be assumed they possessed the combined biological traits of both humans and daleks.
Following the Doctor's actions during the Battle of Canary Wharf in 2006, the Cult of Skaro - a group of four Daleks who were created by the Emperor to "imagine" new ways of killing and survival - each used an 'Emergency Temporal Shift' to escape been sucked into the void with the Daleks and Cybermen. The Temporal shift resulted in the four Daleks becoming stranded in New York in 1930. Trying to survive, the cult set up a base underneath the incomplete Empire State Building and first tried to grow new Dalek Embryos. However, the plan was abandoned after the flesh of the embryos was found to be too weak to survive.
Following this, the Cult realized that the greatest resource on the planet at the time was humanity - with the Daleks (enlisting the aid of a human called Mr Diagoras - a former WWI soldier and American businessman in charge of the Empire State Building's construction) stealing humans for their purposes. Those who were ranked with low intelligence were converted into 'Pig-Slaves', who would be used to capture more humans and to perform manual labor - although the lifespan of the slaves would only last a few weeks. Those who were ranked with higher intelligence would be taken to the laboratories, where their minds would be wiped and their bodies prepared for the 'Final Experiment'.
The number of humans taken for the final experiment totaled over 1000 - with the plan been to save the Dalek race by turning the humans they had captured into Human-Dalek hybrids. The Empire State building would be instrumental in achieving this, as a solar flare was heading towards Earth - with its Gamma radiation been sufficient to splice the human and Dalek genetic codes together and awaken each of the 1000 bodies prepared. To ensure this success, Dalek Thay - one of the cult - allowed several pieces of his Dalekanium armour to be used to be placed around the mast where the lightning conductor was based.
The Final Experiment Begins[]
With the flare accelerating, the Daleks prepared for the final experiment. Mr Diagoras was brought before Dalek Sec before been restrained by the Pig Slaves. After a 'Chromatin solution' was completed in advance, Sec revealed that he planned to merge with Mr. Diagoras as the first part of the experiment. Although his fellow cult members objected, Sec declared that the Dalek's purity must be discarded if their race was to survive - adding that their purity and quest for supremacy had brought them to the brink of extinction and had left them hiding in the sewers on a primitive world. Continuing, Dalek Sec opened up his casing before forming a cocoon around Mr. Diagoras and beginning his hybridization.
Although his fellow cult members wanted to stop the process part-way through as Dalek Sec showed signs of failing, Sec urged them to continue and to give him an
injection of the chromatin solution to assist him. It worked, and Sec soon entered the final step of his 'evolution'. Meanwhile, Martha (the Doctor's companion) had been kidnapped by the Pig Slaves - with the Doctor and Tallulah (an actress at the theater) managing to track the group down after been helped by a man called Lazlo (Tallulah's boyfriend who had partially been converted into a Pig Slave but escaped before the Daleks could alter his mind). As the group of human prisoners (along with the Doctor and Martha) were led to the laboratory under the Empire State Building and watched, Sec's casing opened up and revealed Dalek Sec - the first human/dalek hybrid.
Poison Alliance[]
Following this, the Doctor revealed himself - learning how the Cult had escaped the Battle of Canary Wharf before asking Sec how it felt to be a 'human dalek'. Sec's answer - which initially was that Sec felt humanity but then focused on humanity's negative traits - angered the Doctor, who claimed they had learned nothing from the final experiment. He then used a radio he had brought with him and his sonic screwdriver to emit a high pitched sound - giving him and the human prisoners a chance to escape. Dalek Caan and Dalek Jast pursued him along with several pig slaves but failed to catch them. After sending the Pig Slaves back to their base, both Caan and Jast confided with each other about their doubts following Dalek Sec's transformation.
As Dalek Sec and Thay remained at the base and watched through Caan's eye, Dalek Jast and Caan later
attacked Hooverville in Central Park, assisted by a small army of their pig slaves - with Caan killing Hooverville's leader Solomon, much to the Doctor's anger. However, Sec ordered Caan to spare the Doctor as the Doctor was needed for the Final Experiment - as well as ordering Caan to obey the Doctor's order to spare the humans. Following the Daleks back to their base, the Doctor was surprised when Sec declared the deaths caused were wrong, before explaining the full extent of the final experiment by showing him the humans they had prepared for it. Explaining further, Sec explained that a solar flare would soon hit the Earth, with the lightning been drawn to the conductor on top of the Empire State Building - the gamma radiation from it been strong enough to splice the human and dalek genomes together and awaken the human bodies from their 'sleep'.
Although the Doctor warned Sec the other cult members won't let Sec complete his task, Sec remains assured of his place in their hierarchy despite becoming a hybrid. Asking for the Doctor's help both in creating the new race and finding them a new home for the 'New Daleks' to start again. Seeing how far Sec was prepared to go to save his species, to the point of changing everything that made a Dalek what it was, the Doctor agreed to help and so formed an alliance with his greatest foes - slowly gaining some respect for Sec as a result. Although Lazlo questioned the Doctor quietly on whether Sec could be trusted, the Doctor stated that there could be hope.
The gene solution was soon prepared and was transferred into the human bodies waiting via line feeds. However, the rest of the Cult rebelled against Sec's plan - changing the gene feed from the human/dalek DNA to 100% Dalek DNA and using the Pig Slaves to restrain Sec and chain him to the wall, stating he was longer a Dalek and had lost his authority. As the Daleks were temporarily distracted, Lazlo helped the Doctor escape to the top floor. On the top, Martha (who had come in a service elevator with Tallulah and Frank - a young man from Hooverville) told the Doctor that three strips of Dalekanium had been attached to the mast and that he would have to remove them - but with only a few minutes to do so.
The Army Awakes[]
The Doctor managed to climb up the scaffolding to the mast, where he set to work trying to remove the three strips of Dalekanium attached to it. Meanwhile, Martha and the others attached the metal piping from the scaffolding outside to the elevator - where the Daleks were sending up an army of their pig slaves - before crouching down out of the way. The Doctor managed to remove one of the strips before accidentally dropping his sonic screwdriver - making removal of the other strips impossible and with no time to recover his device. As the storm now arrived, the Doctor did the last thing he could do and clung to the mast above the Dalekanium.
Sure enough, the mast was struck by lightning - with the electricity from the strike traveling along the piping to the elevator and killing the Pig Slaves. However, the lightning had served its purpose and brought to life the army of hybrids. After confirming their allegiance, the cult declared that humanity would be brought to the laboratories and converted into more hybrids, from which they would conquer Earth and make it into a new version of their destroyed homeworld, Skaro. Arming the hybrids with weapons that appeared to be a combination of a Tommy gun upgraded with Dalek technology, the soldiers set out into the sewer system as Dalek Caan became the new controller. Connecting to the military computer to control all the Dalek humans at once, the Daleks entered a war footing.
As Martha and the group found the Doctor, they found he had survived the lightning strike and returned his
Sonic Screwdriver to him. Realizing what the Daleks would now do, the Doctor convinced Tallulah to get them into the theater to draw the Daleks out. Arriving there, the Doctor used his sonic to deliberately reveal his location, with numerous Dalek humans arriving inside while Daleks Thay and Jast (bringing along Dalek Sec - who was forced to crawl alongside them while still in chains) also arrived inside the theater. As the Doctor stood before them, he criticized the Dalek's plan as well as their treatment of Dalek Sec - who the Doctor referred to as "the cleverest Dalek ever" and "the only creature who may have led the Daleks out of the darkness". Dalek Sec added to this by warning that if the Daleks continued to choose death and destruction, that it in turn would choose them.
The Daleks rejected this statement as they felt they would always survive, before the pair prepared to
exterminate the Doctor. However, Sec proved his humanity as he begged them not to before throwing himself in front of Dalek Thay's shot - sacrificing himself to save the Doctor. Seeing this, the Doctor again criticized the Daleks for murdering their own leader before questioning the hybrids on whether they saw what a Dalek really was. The Doctor then asked the Daleks to let the hybrids kill him - with the hybrids taking aim as ordered, but when ordered to exterminate the Doctor, the hybrids held. Repeating the order, one of the hybrids questioned it several times before stating to Dalek Thay "you are not our master, and we are not Daleks".
Following this, the Doctor reveals that due to him getting in the way of the lightning strike, his Time lord DNA has gotten mixed in with the hybrids - giving them a small bit of freedom. Seeing the hybrids as useless, Thay killed the hybrid who questioned him - with the Doctor and his friends getting down as the hybrids return fire. Although several hybrids are killed, the concentrated firepower of their weapons overloads the shields on Dalek Thay and Dalek Jast - resulting in the pair exploding.
As the Doctor tells the hybrids they are now free, Dalek Caan declares that the hybrids are failures and activates their 'destruct' - with the entire hybrid race been killed by a high-pitched noise in their heads - much to the Doctor's fury at seeing the genocide. Confronting Caan - now the last Dalek in existence - the Doctor offers to help him rather then cause another genocide, but Caan responds by activating his emergency temporal shift and escaping.
Doctor Who: Evolution of the Daleks - TV Episode