The Dahodem are a species with impressive prehensile hairs.
The Dahodem evolved from single-celled organisms that explored their surroundings through thousands of extendible flagella. Totally blind, the Dahodem instead use their flagella to read their surrounding.
When Chancellor Rho 7 Baryon of the Imperium Ascendant vanished, his colleague Proetus Rex tracked his implant signal to Korregag a world of free trade. He sought an audience with the Scorchers within the Reactory who divulged to him that the indestructible implant within Baryon could be removed by another race known as the Dahodem.
Later a Dahodem mercenary attempted to destroy Vex's ship, but it and his cohorts were eaten by the Citheronian fugitive chained inside.
When Vex returned he found the carnage and his prisoner. The Citheronian offered to provided her assistance as Dahodem have a specific odor, musty coppery, a hint of saltiness and they touch everything with their hairs, leaving a trace behind. Coincidentally she detected that the Dahodem had encountered another of its kind recently giving Vex a lead to Baryon's location.
Dahodem hairs are so prehensile enough that it is boasted that these hairs are accurate enough to pluck the nucleus from an atom. However these hairs can be used in breaking in ships or surgery for the nervous system.
- 2000 AD Issue 2164: Proteus Vex: Another Dawn: Part Three by Michael Carroll (2020)
- 2000 AD Issue 2165: Proteus Vex: Another Dawn: Part Four by Michael Carroll (2020)
- 2000 AD Issue 2166: Proteus Vex: Another Dawn: Part Four by Michael Carroll (2020)
- 2000 AD Issue 2167: Proteus Vex: Another Dawn: Part Four by Michael Carroll (2020)