Alien Species

The Dagos Snake is a creature native to the Uncharted Territories.


The Dagos Snake is a serpentine creature with four blind independent heads and a pair of stalk eyes.

The origins of the Dagos Snake is unknown with some believing it to be ancient genetic experiment. Its original homeworld is unknown but the species is found throughout the Uncharted Territories.

A deadly predator that is known is to attack creatures twice as large. Farmers see these creatures as blessings as they help keep the vermin population down. The snake prefers to ambush their prey and then flee to wait for the right chance to inject their poison however will retreat when their prey starts fighting back.

Dagos Snakes normally socialize when they mate and can produce litters ten to twenty a cycle. This can result in their population exploding making food scarce and eventually causing the snakes to feed upon each other.

Scarrans have been rumored to begun training the snakes to act as guard beasts.


  • Farscape Roleplaying Game (2002)